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The innovative, transparent, business model that transforms the way consumers are able to access and consume organic produce

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The choice between a typical expansion roadmap and an opportunity to disrupt

The grocery landscape in India that is dominated by large offline players, has been at the cusp of a major consolidation over the past few years. 


In the midst of this and the impending surge of omni-channel players in this space, niche categories like organic grocery continue to struggle with a small toehold in this industry.


While normal groceries & essentials continue to grow rapidly, Organic Mandya, even with its strong equity and loyalty, was grappling for the right growth map.


Could they continue to invest in more capex heavy physical stores, tag on an online delivery platform and yet hope to grow the category quickly enough, was a question that Organic Mandya was trying to figure out answers to.


The existing model of Organic Mandya posed multiple challenges of profitability, scalability, growing unorganised market, as well as high pricing leading to slow growth and consumer adoption.


Organic Mandya turned to Upaghnā to discover how they could transform and reshape their demand curve, while drawing upon their loyalty and equity in the market. 


The first strategy ideation phase took about two weeks that resulted in the decision to re-engineer the current business model from a brick and mortar retailer to a direct-to-consumer business. 


We designed a truly transformative model that focuses on consumer loyalty and long term revenue commitment, different from the existing e-com model that is built around high pricing & deep discounts. 

The Origin program built on our deep sourcing strengths to offer organic produce at cost to consumers without any middle-men and with zero margins. While this would result in extending the consumer base, it also allowed us to build an alternate higher LTV revenue stream for the business through membership fees. 

A detailed business plan was drawn out at this stage building out consumer cohorts and financial predictions with an agreement on investments required for transforming the business



Business Modelling

Investment SignOff

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India

+91 - 944-83-52030


noun ] contiguous support, resting-place, shelter, refuge, supporting a creeper

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